
The purpose of the expedition to recover the Lockheed P-38 “Lightning” aircraft is to make
these significant artefacts of world history available to museums and air-shows world-wide.

Detailed analyses supplied by scientists at Greenland’s Nuuk University as well as by Dr. Alean
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) in Zürich – Technical University Zürich) estimate
that, although the P-38s are buried beneath 100 metres of compressed snow, they remain
structurally undamaged. The planes will be very carefully recovered using the latest, ecologically
friendly equipment designed to melt the snow surrounding them.


The plan is to use a double-walled,  metal,  wedge-like construction that looks
something approaching a huge, upside-down dog kennel. Steam will be pumped
between the kennel’s inner and outer walls. The weight, and the warmth will sink
the kennel gently over each aircraft enabling them to be recovered without